A1-What is Illustration?
A1-What is Illustration?
- Why did you choose this as your illustration example? I chose this picture because I believe it is very powerful without any actual forms on the paper. Visually it makes you think when part 2 is shown in a different light the word Pain is read and this in itself with the ad about Child Abuse can evoke emotions with just a single word.
- What kind of illustration is this? This is a digital photo of a person holding a blank paper though in the right light we see it has embossed type on the surface.
- What is the purpose of this illustration? The purpose of this is to show awareness of child abuse, and what the children experience. Just because something may not be seen, doesn’t mean that in another light it isn’t there. Abuse is not something that is always easy to point out.
- What was the context in which the illustration appeared? The context of these pieces are to bring awareness of the striking number of child abuse that happens every day.
- What is the message of the illustration? The message is to show that many children each day are abused and just because it is not blatantly in your face does not mean it is not there.
- Who is the sender of the illustration? The send of this illustration is a corporation called Against Abuse Inc. The sender could be someone who was affected or knows someone who is, since we are only seeing a hand, we do not know who the person is holding the paper.
- Who’s is the intended audience of the illustrated message? The intended audience can have been for many ages, possibly 18+, in order to make grown up aware of the number of children being abused each day and what one can do to help those who are being abused.
- What is the communication objectives of the illustration? The objective seems to be that many people assume that child abuse is not a big deal, that if one would know if a child were being abused due to obvious signs but that most people are oblivious to it.
- What medium was the illustration created in? this was done on with embossing the type onto white paper. To allow when at a certain angle in the right light direction to make apparent.
- Who is the illustrator? Where do they live? Where do they work? The particular artist of this is Bernando Nurtjahjana. Whose purpose of this ad was to tell people about child abuse. He is a graphic designer who lives in Singapore.